5 Tips To Analyze Your Survey Results Like A Data Pro

5 Tips To Analyze Your Survey Results Like A Data Pro

If you’ve put effort into gathering a substantial amount of feedback from the audience, you are already aware of the importance of conducting surveys. However, if you aren’t sure what you’ve gathered, or how to use the data to get customer insights, all the efforts go worthless.

So, you need a team dedicated to filtering the survey results, and highlight the key trends, behaviors for marketing, sales, and customer services. Here, we are going to tell you five survey analysis tips to get better insights-

Review The Top Research Questions

The first tip to survey data analysis is to review the top research questions. For example, suppose you gave a survey to the people who attended an event. Your top question might be, “Would you like to attend the event again?”

Have a look at the top questions to see how the respondents answered. You’ll get results in both percentage form and raw numbers. Once you gather the necessary information about how many people responded to the question, you can go ahead to find co-relations or trends.

Focus On Quantitative Data First

Quantitative data provided by online survey software is quite valuable to draw conclusions. This data comes from the close-ended questions that can be converted into a numeric value. By analyzing quantitative data first, you’ll understand qualitative data better.

For example, if 40% of your customers say that they aren’t satisfied with your product, you can focus on the negative reviews of the user experience. This way, you get to know the roadblocks and correct the pain points.

Use Filtering And Cross-Tabulation To Understand Your Audience

If you study all the responses in one group, it might not be effective for gaining accurate information. The respondents who aren’t your ideal customers may invade the data and skew the results. To avoid this, analyze and compare different sub-groups to derive conclusions.

Cross-tabulation helps you record the relationships between the variables that reveal insights based on the respondents’ answers to different questions. By pulling variables into one chart, you can narrow the survey results to a particular group of responses.

Once you gather enough information, start looking for why the sub-groups answered a certain way, or how can you improve this data. This way, your data is considering your target customers only.

Understand The Statistics

The next tip for survey data analysis is to understand the significance of statistics. It provides you with the information you can trust to make future decisions.

First, check if your audience reflects the overall population you wish to conclude about. For example, suppose you want to draw conclusions about the millennial because they made 80% of the event. But, if only 10% of the respondents were millennial, you may not get confident in concluding using this sample size. This entails that if the sample size is too small, it may lead to an error.

Instead, if you ask the survey respondents questions with number answers, you can calculate the average, median, and mode using their answers. These calculations will help you find statistical significance in the customers’ answers.

Compare This Data With The Past Data

Though current data is good to keep you updated, you should compare it with the data you’ve collected in the past. If 45% of the customers said that they are satisfied with your services, is it better or worse than last year?

If it’s your first survey analysis, make these results benchmark for future analysis. Compare the results with these records and track the changes over months, quarters, or years.

Now that you’ve collected analyzed your data, the next step is to share it with your customers, colleagues, or stakeholders.


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