7 Underrated Colleges and Universities in the United States

7 Underrated Colleges and Universities in the United States

Big names such as Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, Cal-Tech, MIT, University of California Berkeley, and other similar colleges top the list of most high school students. However, several other universities are often underrated. Some of these universities boast high employment rates, high average salary offerings, and top overall world rankings. Here is a list of 7 underrated colleges in the United States:

1.      Virginia Tech. Making an average of $94,200 a year is not bad at all. Graduates from Virginia Tech boast favorable employment rates and high average mid-career salaries. The university is in Blacksburg, Virginia and most well-known for the school’s outstanding research programs.

2.      Auburn University. This school is a gem hidden away in the city of Alabama, Alabama. Alumni make an average mid-career salary of $87,900. The school is known for putting great value into research programs that serve the greater good; particularly in the field of land, space, and sea science. Auburn University students are also very school spirited and are a welcoming community.


3.      Stony Brook University. This school offers various programs but specialized in studies on space and related research. The school provides excellent Physics and Astronomy programs. Their alumni make a good average of $94,300 during their mid-career. Stony Brook is in the state of New York and is welcoming to both in-state and out-of-state enrollees.

4.      Worcester Polytechnic Institute. If you are looking to get a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, or Biology, then this is the school for you. Worcester Polytechnic offers those 3 as their school’s major courses. Alumni make a whopping $107,000 in the middle of the careers.

5.      The University of Texas, Austin. UT Austin admission requirements are less challenging as some of the other colleges on this list. UT Austin is a great university that boasts a lot of culture and exposure to extra-curricular activities. The school is in the heart of Austin, Texas, which is known as the music capital. UT Austin’s admission requirements also make it possible for students with lower grades and SAT scores to get in without compromising the quality of education; their applicant acceptance rate is roughly 50%. Graduates make an average of $74,000 a year.

6.      Colorado School of Mines. CSM is a public university that is dedicated to teaching exceptional engineering programs. If you are thinking of getting into the field of engineering, then you should seriously consider this school. Located in Colorado, CSM offers many engineering programs that are often not found at other schools. Alumni make an average of $107,000 a year.

7.      Stevens Institute of Technology. While unfamiliar to many, SIT graduates make a whopping $124,000 a year in the middle of their careers, the 3rd highest-ranking school on PayScale. The school is dedicated to research programs and STEM courses. SIT is in New Jersey and is one of the most underrated colleges in the United States.

If you are still deciding on which colleges to apply to, consider these 7 schools among your choices. These underrated schools provide excellent opportunities for their alumni while being less competitive than applying for sought-after schools or more well-known Ivy League schools.



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