What Makes Commercial Air Conditioning Different from Residential Air Conditioning

What Makes Commercial Air Conditioning Different from Residential Air Conditioning

An air conditioning system cools a home or building. During the evaporation process, moisture in the air is absorbed by the system, which lowers the humidity level in the building and creates a comfortable environment indoors.

While some units may look the same, there are significant differences between Sub Cool FM and residential air conditioning systems, concerning their installation, maintenance, and repairs. For efficiency and comfort, it is vital to have commercial air conditioning specialists to handle your system’s installation and upkeep.


Residential versus commercial air conditioning

Air conditioning systems for commercial and residential use serve a similar purpose: to cool and heat indoor spaces. However, the two systems differ in location, complexity, and size.

Power needs and size

Of the dissimilarity between residential and commercial air conditioning, one of the major ones is the power it needs. A commercial building is more massive than a home, with more people needing cool, comfortable spaces. Another is the size of the system. Commercial air conditioning systems should be appropriately sized to surmount the additional heat from employees and other people in the workspace.

You need to hire specialists to handle commercial air conditioning, as the sizing of air conditioning units for commercial use requires technically-skilled handlers. The system should have the correct BTUs to supply the cooling needs without short cycling or draining the power. Several air conditioners may be needed by larger businesses to supply the required cooling needs.


The needs of a commercial air conditioning system are more complex compared to a residential air conditioning system. For residential use, the need for cooling and heating are static. On the other hand, a building is larger, with more people using it. The building is often divided into several floors, departments, and offices and their cooling requirements differ. Several thermostats are required in different areas for temperature control. For example, some areas have to maintain a particular temperature to keep products safe and avoid spoilage. Other areas where many people congregate need adjustable temperature controls.

Exhaust, ventilation, and drainage

A residential air conditioning system drains into a single pan installed outside the house. However, a commercial air conditioning system is more intricate and substantially larger, and the volume of condensate is much higher. The drainage system of a commercial air conditioner has an array of pipes and pans so ensure proper drainage.

Likewise, the exhaust system of a commercial unit has more components to manage the system’s higher output to prevent the system from heating beyond its limit.

The ventilation systems of commercial and residential air conditioning units are similar, although the size differs.


The condenser of a residential air conditioning system is placed outside the house. It is usually near the exterior wall of the house or in the backyard, away from the occupants but still easily accessible for service and maintenance.

Typically, a building’s roof is the most likely place to install the commercial air conditioning system due to its size. The roof prevents noise pollution as the system’s parts generate more noise than a residential unit.

Moreover, the roof provides easy access to technicians who regularly perform maintenance and repairs.


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