A List of the Top Fruit Juice Combos and Mixes You Can Include in Your Menu

A List of the Top Fruit Juice Combos and Mixes You Can Include in Your Menu

If you’ve decided to add something different to your restaurant menu, good for you! It pays to give your customers something they can truly appreciate and remember, more so if it’s healthy and good for them. Fruit juices have made quite an impact, particularly in the form of smoothies and other kinds of beverages, so if you’re thinking of expanding your offerings with a mix of fruit juice drinks, you may be wondering what to come up with that can make your customers come back for more. Although standard offerings like berry smoothies and tropical fruit juices are undeniably popular, it can’t hurt to add some unique creations that can satisfy and delight your market. But what should you create that even the most selective diners will love? Here’s a list of the top fruit juice combos and mixes you can include in your menu.

  • Citrusy juice combos

Citrusy juices are already a classic and an instant hit with most anyone, but you can bring it to another level by combining citrus fruit juices, such as grapefruit and orange, with other ingredients like mint leaves and ginger. This beverage can be truly refreshing, and with the incorporation of stronger-flavoured ingredients like ginger and mint, it can satisfy the deepest thirst. Your customers can enjoy the drink at any time, but it is particularly delicious at lunchtime.

  • A superfruit drink

We’ve all heard of the benefits of antioxidants, and if you want to offer something both trendy and nutritious, why not offer a superfruit drink? You can use ingredients like cherries and blueberries (or other berry combinations, depending on what you can get from your supplier) and mix it with celery and lemon. This superfruit drink is definitely rich in antioxidants with its combination of ingredients, and it tastes so yummy, too. Plus, your customers will love the extra burst of energy they can get with the antioxidant boost.

  • An apple and berry beverage

Apples are easy to source, especially from organic fruit puree suppliers like EE & Brian Smith, and everyone is familiar with apple juice, of course. But you can take it a step higher with an apple and berry combination drink, which is not just tasty but also easy and quick to make. All you need are apples, carrots, and strawberries, and voila! A delicious beverage that is both nutritious and perfect for kids as well.

  • A carrot, lime, and pear smoothie

Another excellent addition to your fruit juice drink roster is a carrot, lime, and pear smoothie, and this mix of ingredients can certainly boost anyone’s energy. Carrots are excellent as a base for mixed veggie and fruit drinks because it has a mild flavour, and it goes very well with the other ingredients like turmeric and ginger. Mix all of it – carrots, pears, turmeric, and ginger – and you have something special to offer, particularly to health enthusiasts who already know the real benefits of ginger and turmeric.

Of course, you can develop and come up with your fruit juice and puree variations; all it takes is a bit of experimentation, and you should be able to offer your own, original fresh fruit juice drinks. If you want affirmation about the products you create, you can even offer a tasting to your customers so you can get their feedback.


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