Best Guide for Making Money in 2020

Best Guide for Making Money in 2020

The gig economy is a term that was first used after the financial crisis in 2008. With massive layoffs that hit the economy, a lot of people were looking for ways to make money any way they could, and online jobs became hugely popular. Today, more than a decade later, the gig economy is huge and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. According to the Harvard Business Review, around 150 million workers in North America and Europe are employed as independent contractors. In general, these gigs are divided into two groups. Knowledge-based gigs are reserved for consultants who are hired by companies for specific tasks. This is not the area we will be dealing with in this article. Instead, we will focus on service-based gigs, since there are far more of them and they are easier to get into. As such, they present an excellent source of additional income.



Companies like Uber and Lyft are very popular and are constantly hiring new drivers. You do have to own a car to be eligible, or at least have access to one. Users ask for a ride via their phones and if you are nearby, you will be patched to them. Drive them to their destination and that is it. Depending on the quality of your service, you will get a rating. Maintaining a five-star rating is a perfect way of ensuring that you will always have enough rides. You get to set your working hours as it fits you. People who live in big cities and near touristic centers can make this a full-time employment, as there is more demand for their services. If interacting with people isn’t your strong suit and the thought of driving others in your car unsettles you, there are other options. Uber has a service called Uber eats, where you act as a delivery person and get people the food they ordered from restaurants. This pays significantly less, though.


Gaming has become an industry worth billions in recent decades. A lot of people have made a career playing games professionally, on tournaments that often offer prizes in seven figures. Granted, it takes a lot of practice to get to one of them and people who do are very competent in their chose games. If you don’t have reflexes or skill needed for that, there are other options. One of the simplest ones is online gambling It is easy to get started and the learning curve is much more forgiving than in esports. Many casinos offer free spins and other bonuses to help you learn the ropes without spending a ton of money. All you need is patience and a bit of luck. The only requirement is that you have a device on which you can play and that you are over 18.

Dog Walking and Sitting

For an animal lover, this is a perfect opportunity to earn some extra cash while doing something they love. A lot of people, especially in big cities, don’t have the time to walk their dogs. While that is bad for the dog, it is great news for you, since they are ready to pay someone to do it for them. If you can organize several clients to let you walk their dogs at the same time, you can earn a nice bundle in just a couple of hours. Mind you, walking four or five dogs at the same time can be a handful, but after a few walks you will get a hang of it, plus the dogs will get used to you and will be more obedient. The other option is the pet sitting for people who have to go away on a trip and can’t take their pets with them. You can actually get paid to feed and play with pets. How awesome is that?


The best thing about freelancing is that you don’t have a boss or have to spend eight hours every day in some dreary office. You can use your knowledge in almost any area to find a job. Whether it is writing, graphic design, codding, or almost anything else, there is somebody online that will need your services. There are several sites that list available jobs and connect freelancers and clients. At first, freelancing won’t make you a lot of money. As you become more experienced and earn some reputation, you can charge more and actually make a living out of it. The key is having several regular clients that will provide you with constant work and a steady income stream. It may take a while to get there, but it is doable. Many people have started freelancing as a side hustle and over time, managed to turn it into a profession.

People have mixed feelings about the gig economy. Some praise it as an excellent opportunity for folks in need of a cash injection. Others claim that it is a logical conclusion of late-stage capitalism and that it represents the pinnacle of workers’ oppression. Either way, it is here and it isn’t going away anytime soon. Might as well take an opportunity and make some money out of it.


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