The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than a third of American adults are not getting enough sleep regularly. The reasons for this vary. Some people suffer from a sleep disorder; others need to study, while others bring their work home.

Regardless of the cause, frequent sleep deprivation can affect the health of a person. It brings not only short-term consequences but also far-reaching ones that can turn into severe medical conditions.

Getting proper sleep is essential for a healthy and long life.

What Happens When a Person Is Sleep-Deprived?

Healthcare professionals advise people to get a solid night’s sleep. There are many reasons for that. Limiting oneself with only a few hours of sleep affects health in various ways:

Short-term problems

o Lack of focus: Sleep deprivation can leave the brain feeling exhausted, thereby making it difficult to concentrate.

o Decrease of memory: Insufficient sleep affects the way a person remembers things. Signals in the body, particularly in the central nervous system, can be delayed.


o Poor judgment: Sleep deprivation can compromise the creativity and the decision-making processes of a person.

o Decreased Productivity: People who wake up after only a few hours of sleep tend to feel tired and sluggish all day.

o Mood Swings: Lack of sleep also affects a person’s emotional state, which manifests through mood swings.

o Higher risk of accidents: Sleep-deprived people have a higher risk of getting involved in accidents. They are vulnerable to experiencing microsleep and nod off while doing important tasks such as driving. This can put a person and other people around him in a hazardous situation.

The most basic treatment for these short-term problems is to get enough sleep. Often, this can be quite challenging and may require a change in lifestyle.

A person may also need to take insomnia supplements. With supplements like Procera’s insomnia supplements, people will fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. This will help them get the quality sleep their body needs.

If sleep deprivation is left unchecked, it could lead to severe and long-term problems. Constant lack of sleep can also increase the risk of developing chronic illnesses.

Long-term problems

o Mood disorders: It has been observed that there is a link connecting sleep deprivation and mental health. The lack of sleep can even lead to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

o Metabolic changes: During sleep, our bodies secrete hormones that help with metabolism. People who suffer from sleep deprivation experience metabolic changes that could lead to obesity.

o High blood pressure: The lack of sleep can elevate a person’s blood pressure. People with pre-existing hypertension are especially risky.

o Heart disease: People who suffer from sleep disorders are at a higher risk of hypertension, irregular heartbeats, stroke, and heart disease.

o Diabetes: Insufficient sleep can affect the release of insulin in the body, which could lead to higher blood sugar levels.

Our bodies need sleep just as it needs food and air. It is a vital part of life. The effects are immediately noticed when a person does not get adequate rest. Getting a regular good night’s rest is crucial in preventing simple health problems and serious illnesses in the long run.



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