Psychiatric Doctors and Their Role in Treating Depression

Psychiatric Doctors and Their Role in Treating Depression

Mental illness is often associated with a stigma that scares a majority of the population. However, it is a common occurrence with nearly a fifth of the people suffering from disorders like bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression.

Numerous causes like chemical imbalance and stress contribute to mental health issues. In all these cases, psychiatry doctors can help in problem identification and treatment options.

Unfortunately, many people are skeptical about consulting a doctor because they are either embarrassed or are unsure about whom to see.

However, psychiatric evaluation is crucial for fighting depression and promoting recovery. Here’s a stepwise approach to help you overcome this challenge.

Signs That You Should See a Psychiatrist

Uncontrolled Emotions

Emotions like being irritated, angry, and sad are normal to have in your everyday life. However, when these emotions reach excessive levels and go beyond control, an intervention from a doctor specializing in psychiatry may be necessary.

Do note that feeling sad does not necessarily imply you have depression. For sadness to be clinically defined as depression, this emotion must last for longer periods and interfere with your everyday living.

Change in Sleeping Patterns

Good quality sleep is essential to sound mental health, and a disruptive sleeping pattern may speak volumes about one’s mental wellbeing. Waking up very early or multiple times throughout the night, trouble falling asleep, and spending less time in deep sleep stages makes it difficult to get restorative sleep.

Unfortunately, the lack of sleep results in a constant negative feedback loop by making it harder to cope with mental illness symptoms.

Unexplained Physical Illness

Mental and physical illnesses are interrelated, and a recurring physical ailment, without a specific cause, may need consultation from psychiatry doctors. Some typical signs include vague aches, headaches, and stomach pain.

Temper Tantrums and Frequent Nightmares

Having frequent nightmares and uncontrollable temper issues are a telling sign that you need to seek professional help. These symptoms make talking about emotions difficult and manifest them in the form of behavioural changes.

How Can a Psychiatrist Treat Depression

Visiting a psychiatrist’s office may be confusing for the first time, and you may not know what to expect. Surprisingly, seeing a psychiatrist is similar to consulting with any other health professional. The doctors work with you to understand the status of your mental health, general health, and family history.

Formulate a Treatment Plan

For a patient suffering from depression, there are numerous treatment options available. However, a professional understands that every patient is unique and has his/her history of successful/unsuccessful treatment procedures. There are also possibilities of options that have not been attempted in the past.

A treatment course is formulated depending on the severity of your symptoms, history of treatments, and the extent to which depression affects your ability to function at home or work. Proper medications may then be prescribed after ruling out conditions like ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and addiction.


This is one of the standard tools employed during the initial stages of treating depression. While there are many therapy types available, psychiatry doctors use specific types based on your initial evaluation and followup visits.

You will benefit from an empathic environment that facilitates smooth discussions on your stressors and concerns in a non-critical and non-judgemental atmosphere.

Lifestyle Changes

Your doctor may recommend these self-administration techniques that produce a positive response from your ongoing treatment.


Clinical observations and scientific experiments have proven that regular exercise is a useful tool for treating depression. In fact, in less severe cases, exercising alone can supplement an anti-depressant medication and help you recover from depression.

Morning Light

This is a seasonal and well-validated type of treatment for depression. Light regulates the biological components like circadian rhythms of hormones and makes it necessary to absorb the morning light. However, it may not be practical for tasks that you need to do indoors or during climatic variations.


Pleasant touch can produce positive effects on our psychology and alleviate the symptoms of depression. Hugging is one of the quickest and easiest ways for you to experience this feeling. Also, receiving hugs, when asked for, demonstrates your social support. Having such support alongside a treatment plan can contribute greatly to reducing stress during challenging situations.


Some patients visit a psychiatrist looking for a pill to help them fight depression. Others are hesitant about consuming medications for their trauma. However, a trained professional can help you make a balanced decision about the benefits, risks, and alternatives to the treatment options. He/she works with you to understand if medication may/may not be right for your case.

Treating depression is a systematic process that takes time to show effect. Working alongside psychiatry doctors will help to understand your treatment options while employing alternative recovery methods.

Professionals well understand your symptoms, pain, and suffering, and a single consultation can kickstart the healing process.


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