What Are The Differences Between The Addiction And Side Effects Of Adderall And Ritalin

What Are The Differences Between The Addiction And Side Effects Of Adderall And Ritalin

Ritalin and Adderall are stimulants for the central nervous system which are prescribed to treat narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). When comparing Ritalin vs Adderall it is important to remember that, both of them work through changing the dopamine and norepinephrine amounts in the brain. They can help improve your focus and attention, improving organization, decrease impulsiveness, improve the skills of listening, and help in controlling problems with behavior.

They are recommended along with a program for the treatment of ADHD IQ which might include counseling and other therapies for behavior. When treating the sleeping disorder, a disorder referred to as narcolepsy, these two medications might be recommended by your doctor. It will help in ensuring that you stay awake during the day. There is a potential for both drugs to be misused or abused, making you become addicted leading to dependency.

Can They Both Be Addictive?

Yes, both Adderall and Ritalin can be very addictive even when taken in the dosages which are recommended by the doctor or any health service provider. This means that they have to be described cautiously especially to those who have a history of abuse of substances. Withdrawing from both drugs has to be supervised by a professional at a health care facility. When overdosed, the two drugs can lead to death or cardiac arrest.

What Is The Correct Dosage For Adderall And Ritalin?

Adderall: It is normally taken once or twice in 24 hours. The dosage has to be separated by at least 4 hours to 6 hours with the recommended dosage being 2.5 mg to 6.0 mg on a daily basis. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and the condition which is being treated.

If it is Adderall XR, then it has to be taken once in a day. The recommended dosage is 5mg to 40 mg on a daily interval and it has to be done in the morning. The Adderal XR capsule can be sprinkled into applesauce and consumed instantly. If you are taking Amphetamines, then it has to be taken during hours of waking up and the late evening doses should be avoided so that you avoid experiencing insomnia.

Ritalin Dosages

The dosage for Ritalin is normally adjusted as per the patient’s responses. It might be given once in a day, twice or even three times depending on the formulation which is being administered. If it is Concerta, the recommended dosage is between 18 mg to 72 mg once daily. For Ritalin LA, the recommended dose is 10 mg to 60 mg on a daily basis once. If it is the regular Ritalin, then the recommended dose is 10 mg to 60 mg on a daily basis in 2 divided doses or 3, whatever the physician deems right for you.

Getting the right dosages for Ritalin and Adderall will save you from having to experience the adverse side effects which are associated with their overdose and addiction.


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