Tips to Improve Digestive Function

Tips to Improve Digestive Function

Millions of people experience digestive issues like constipation, heartburn, gas, and diarrhea. While these conditions may happen from time to time, there may be something wrong if you are experiencing them too frequently. Without proper digestion, your body is unable to get the nutrients it needs as food does not break down properly.

Diet and lifestyle are two of the most significant contributors to your digestive health, so making the right choices will help maintain healthy digestion. Building healthier eating habits and taking some supplements like GlutenEase can help with digestive difficulties, but that’s not all. There are several steps you can take to prevent the rise of issues and long-term disruptions in your body function.

Eat Healthy Fats and Fiber

A high-fiber diet will help prevent the onset of constipation, maintain a healthy weight, and overall improve digestion. Make sure to include fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain in your diet to get the fiber that you need. Though most whole-grains are gluten-free, some may still contain gluten, so if your body has difficulties digesting this, make sure to check the label. Alternatively, you can also ask your doctor for recommendations on supplements like GlutenEase, which aids in the digestion of gluten to prevent bloating.

Fat is needed to help your body absorb the nutrients from food, so make sure you also include a good amount of healthy fats in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids, which you can get from fatty fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and nuts, can help decrease the risk of inflammation and other diseases.

Stay Hydrated

Lack of water may also lead to constipation, so make sure you drink plenty of water every day to stay hydrated. If you are having a hard time taking in enough fluid, you can incorporate fruits and vegetables, like cucumber, melons, peaches, and tomatoes, with high water content.

Avoid Processed Food

Having a diet with excessive saturated fat, additives, and artificial ingredients like sweeteners can lead to gut and digestive issues. Thus, try to limit your intake of processed foods and incorporate more whole food into your diet to get the essential nutrients. This does not necessarily mean that you have to stop eating your favorite food, but that you should eat them in moderation and focus more on whole foods.

Get Probiotics

Probiotics are naturally found in your digestive tract and can aid in nutrient absorption. While you may find probiotic supplements in your local drug stores, the best source of this bacteria still comes from food like yogurt, miso, sauerkraut, and the like. Though there is no specific answer as to how much you need to eat each day, the goal is to try to incorporate probiotics into your diet as much as you can to help with your digestion.


Engaging in some form of physical activity will help food travel through your digestive system to aid in the process. Exercising does not necessarily mean that you have to commit yourself to intensive exercises every day. Instead, go for moderate activities like jogging to help improve your gut function. If you are having a busy day, it will still be beneficial to take a short walk after your meal to let the food move properly.

Do Not Eat Too Fast

Eating too quickly or without chewing your food can cause you to eat more than your body actually needs since you do not realize that you are already full. Try to eat more slowly and make sure to chew your food properly so that you can avoid overeating, and it will be easier for your body to break down the food during digestion.


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